Agatha Joseph

Agatha Joseph , B.A.

Real Estate Representative

Mobile: 647.282.5759

Phone: 905.279.8300

Dedicated, Passionate & Results Driven!

The most important quality to look for in a
REALTOR in today's market?

Agatha really listens to what you want from your home selling and buying experience, and makes sure that happens for you!

Building lasting relationships is a top priority which is why she work’s closely with all her clients to achieve their optimal goals!

A resident of Ontario, strongly connected to the Catholic/Christian community, she raised her family here.  

Her dedication & passion for helping homeowners and buyers is evident the minute you meet her. Agatha is a professional with great negotiating skills. In the Real Estate Industry for 27 years she is a recipient of several Levels of Awards.

She is always available to her clients and happy to provide professional advise with a thorough knowledge of the most up-to-date information in the market.

Featured Testimonial

“I have worked with Agatha on many projects. I do not consider her as a Real Estate Agent... she is more like a partner. She gathers information effectively, presents them in a professional manner and advises the client promptly. She is passionate about her job, trustworthy and professional. In brief if I want to get a deal done, whether a home or a condo, Agatha is the partner I always seek.”

Ghaleb Al-Ahdab - Mississauga, ON

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